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Free Pattern Friday – Autumn Crunch Cowl

Autumn Crunch Cowl on

Hands up who wants a free crochet pattern that’s wearable for our Free Pattern Friday?

The weather has turned a bit nasty here in Scotland. We’ve had so much rain through our school holidays, my kids have been soaked every day! Thankfully they don’t seem to mind at all and love playing outside in all weathers, so that’s certainly a bonus for me with a house of boisterous boys!

I hope you’ve enjoyed the previous 2 weeks patterns. They were both very popular and remember they’re always free, not just a promotion, so you can visit any time and they will still be free. If you missed last week’s gorgeous Fall design, there’s still time to make it, pop over to see Raffamusa’s gorgeous Pumpkin Potholder.

I’ve created a Free Pattern Fridays page for them all now so all the featured free patterns will be easy to find from the Menu.

Ok, so it’s Autumn / Fall here in the Northern Hemisphere, does anyone else feel this season just isn’t long enough? It seems to pass so quickly and before we know it, it’s Winter… for ages!

Where I live in the Scottish Highlands, we have hugely changeable weather, it’s no exaggeration when we say we often have 4 seasons in one day!

So, I guess it won’t surprise you when I tell you then, that I’m a Scarfoholic!

I adore scarves of all kinds, all year round! In all colours of the rainbow.. They can be the perfect accessory for any outfit and when it comes to the chillier seasons I’m never without one, I even wear them indoors! Hmmm, I feel a round-up of my fav scarf patterns might be a fun idea, but for today I am delighted to share with you…

The fabulous Autumn Crunch Cowl pattern by Pine Tree Crochet. This week’s featured Free Pattern Friday.

The Autumn Crunch Cowl works up quickly using the wattle stitch, an easy to do, beautifully textured dense stitch, making for a warm and cozy cowl. Make one in your favourite team colours or neutrals to go with any outfit.

I’m really loving the wavy stripe effect this pretty stitch creates, isn’t it just adorable?

The designer wanted to create a quick and easy cowl pattern with a one row repeat that would look great in any color (I think she totally nailed it!). She used left over yarn from her stash and what’s even more fun about this Cowl is that it has matching fingerless gloves that are also a FREE pattern!

I’m a HUUUGE matchy makes fan and think that this sounds like the perfect present duo for gift giving season, don’t you?

Before you head on over to the pattern, let’s get to know a little about the designer…

The talented creator at Pine Tree Crochet is Whitney. She has been crocheting for 8+ years and just started designing last June when she started the Pine Tree Crochet blog. The patterns she designs are beginner to advanced beginner friendly and fun!

She tries to incorporate as much colour into her designs as possible with an easy 1 or 2 row repeat. Simple is superb! She loves yarn and sharing her yarn creations 🙂

And I’m delighted to be sharing her beautiful creation with you too!

Head on over now and have a go at this lovely free pattern.

Autumn Crunch Cowl – by Pine Tree Crochet

I hope you’ve enjoyed this Free Pattern Friday, let me know what you think in the comments. Why not sign-up to my newsletter so you don’t miss any featured patterns and you’ll also get exclusive discounts on all my own pattern releases.

Please share and Pin to help others find this fab free pattern. Thank you x

2 thoughts on “Free Pattern Friday – Autumn Crunch Cowl”

  1. Jan from The Crafty Therapist – Inverness Scotland – I'm an Crochet Designer and Natural Therapist striving to tread more gently on Mama Earth. I live in the beautiful Scottish Highlands, with my husband and three boys, along with our big fluffy cat. We aim to be as plastic free as possible and reuse whatever we can. I mainly work with natural, recycled sustainable yarns where-ever possible. Through sharing my experiences, on my blog and social media, of using greener yarns and products and designing crochet patterns using these yarns, I hope to help encourage and support sustainable creativity. You can find my crochet patterns on my blog, Ravelry, Etsy and LoveCrafts.

    Yaaay that’s fab thank you, delighted you’re a Scarfaholic too 👏 ❤️

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