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A wee hello!

Your pdf download is at the bottom of this page but I thought it would be nice to introduce myself first.

Hi! I’m Jan, a Scottish Crochet Designer and Reflexologist/Massage Therapist with a love of recycled materials and fibres that keep their looks for longer. I love slow fashion, colour and sustainable natural living with as little plastic as possible and I love helping people feel better.

I design cute, cosy, fun patterns, mainly with eco-friendly and recycled yarns, to help you crochet more sustainably too, if you want to. But you can also use your normal yarn and several of my patterns are great for using scrap yarns.

I live in the beautiful Scottish Highlands with my husband and our 3 wonderful sons, and our super fluffy black cat (another boy!) called Lucky.

Here at The Crafty Therapist you will find a range of fun and colourful crochet patterns ranging from easy to intermediate, eco yarn reviews and tutorials and tips.

My Crochet Journey

I learned to crochet as a wee girl when my mum taught me to both knit and crochet. But both fell by the way side when teenage years arrived.  

My love for crochet was reignited in 2010 when, during a period of intense bereavement from the loss of our baby, I found my childhood craft bag with a half finished baby blanket inside. I was powerfully drawn to finish it and in so doing found crochet to be an immensely peaceful, beautiful therapy to help heal my broken heart.

A reignited passion and dear friendship was rekindled, and has been with me every step of the way through an incredible family building journey. Now it’s a family adventure shared with my 3 wonderful boys who inspire me continuously with their awesome ideas, incredibly high energy and zest for life.

In 2018 a deep connection for eco crafting was founded when the true reality of the extent of plastic pollution hit me via my eldest son. He learned about the plastic in our oceans at School and told me all about it. My focus then changed to really try to make a difference through crochet. If this resonates with you, here are some posts of interest:

Are you Crocheting Comfortably?

I have exciting news! I’m developing a unique new series, where I will be bringing my 22+ years as a Reflexologist and Massage Therapist easing aches and pains, into the crochet world to help you crochet more comfortably. I will be sharing my professional guidance for posture, stretches, self massage and hand Reflexology points to target common problems we crocheters often encounter. Do you want to help me shape it to meet your needs? Join my email list.

Preemie Crochet Challenge 2024

Thank you for participating in the Sunflower Cottage Crochet Preemie Crochet Challenge 2024, I’m delighted to give you a free PDF copy of my Cuddly Clusters Bonding Square. It would be wonderful if you would make some to donate to your local Neonatal unit. There will be a matching blanket coming soon, so make sure you’re on my email list so you don’t miss it.