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Easy Two DC Cluster Baby Bonding Square Crochet Pattern

This adorable little bonding square came about from having a conversation with my lovely friend Helen, from Sunflower Cottage Crochet. Every year, for the last few years, she has run the Preemie Crochet Challenge. Throughout the month of June, she brings together some amazing crochet designers, to offer a selection of exclusive, free PDF patterns designed for premature babies. These patterns are designed with care to ensure they are perfect for delicate little ones in NICUs.

I’m a Mum of twin boys who were preemies and spent 11 days in our local Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU). The sweetest thing to see was when they were swaddled together in the same cot when they first went to SCBU. The nurses were struggling to settle the one on the left so put him in beside his brother and he instantly stopped crying! So they swaddled them together and both were much happier.

They’re nearly 11 years old now and fight like cat and dog! But our memories of them as fragile wee babies, with feeding tubes and the sound of machines beeping, stay with us.

We were immensely grateful both for the incredible care they received and for the clothing, blankets and little hats that SCBU had. Nearly everything of our own was too big. I would have loved to have had some little hats and cardigans that fitted them properly at home afterwards. They came home on Christmas Eve! What an amazing Christmas present for us all but especially for their big brother who was 5 and desperate for his wee baby brothers to come home.

I decided to make a bonding square as it’s quick, size adaptable and a great opportunity to learn a new stitch! I chose one that produces a smooth, uniform feel, looks the same on both sides and most importantly has very little holes so it works especially well for baby makes.

What is a Bonding Square? Bonding squares are used in NICUs to help the bond to form between premature and sick babies and Mum when they can’t always be together. They are made in pairs. Mum wears one against her skin to pick up her scent, it is then placed with the baby to comfort them. Every 12 hours or so they are swapped round, so the baby is always comforted by Mum’s scent.

I remember using something as bonding squares myself, but my memory of that early post-operative part is very hazy so couldn’t tell you what they were made from!

The Cuddly Clusters square is a gorgeously textured pattern designed as a 5” x 5” bonding square, and is easily adapted for other sizes too. If you wish to donate some to a Neonatal Unit please ask them what size they need as they may prefer a different size.

This pattern is written here using US crochet terms.

You will learn how to do Two Double Crochet Clusters in making this pattern. The PDF includes photos to help you with this easy stitch pattern and I also have a Tutorial.

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This pattern has been tested for errors by a team of crocheters with varying skill ability, this helps to ensure the pattern is free of errors, but should you find any errors or run into difficulties please reach out to me so I can help.

NOTE ON SELLING ITEMS AND COPYRIGHT: The pattern and all images are Copyright Janferie MacKintosh, all rights reserved. You may not copy any part of this pattern or use photos without permission. You may sell finished items (handmade in small quantities by you). Design credit is appreciated (tag on social media or link to this post). Thank you.

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Crochet baby bonding square with teddy feet. Pinterest graphic

Skill Level

Easy. Uses simple, common stitches and techniques.

Recommended Yarn

Any soft baby DK #3 weight yarn approx. 8.75-10.9yds (8-10m) to make 2.

Yarn used: King Cole Cherished (100% anti-pilling acrylic) in shade Laurel, 273yds (250m) per 3.5oz (100g).

This is a lovely soft anti-pilling baby yarn. Being acrylic it is very lightweight and non-allergenic. I used it because I already had it in my stash and knew it was a great yarn for baby makes. A more environmentally friendly yarn substitute would be an organic cotton or bamboo.

Hooks & Other Materials

  • US Size 7 (4.5mm)
  • US Size H (5.0mm)
  • Yarn needle
  • Stitch marker

Sizes/Finished Measurements

Approx. 5” x 5” (12.7cm x 12.7cm)


St(s) – Stitch(es)

Slst – Slip stitch

Ch – Chain

Yo – Yarn over

Dc – Double crochet

2dc-cl – Two double crochet Cluster            


  1. Starting chain is worked using a larger hook to ensure it isn’t too tight.
  2. Beginning Ch-3 counts as 1st st in 2dc-cl throughout.
  3. Use stitch marker to mark 1st 2dc-cl (in 1st dc, not ch-3) in row, if helpful.
  4. For row 2 onward, make last 2dc-cl in dc (not ch-3) of 1st 2dc-cl of previous row.
  5. Stitch count is shown at the end of each row in bold.
  6. Check stitch count at the end of each row.
  7. To increase size of finished square, increase starting number of chains and number of rows to suit.


With US size 7 (4.5mm) hook: 3 x 2dc-cl and 2 rows = approx. 1”/ 2.5cm.

Matching the number of sts to 1” is more important than matching row height. Adjust hook size if necessary to obtain gauge.

Special Stitches/Techniques

Two Double Crochet Cluster (2dc-cl) = A simple cluster stitch made from two double crochet stitches worked together as one stitch:  *Yo, insert hook into indicated st, yo, pull up a loop, yo, pull through 2 loops on hook, in same stitch repeat from * once more, yo, pull through all 3 loops on hook (2dc-cl stitch complete). See tutorial.


Make 2 the same.

With size H (5.0mm) hook, Chain 18.

Row 1: Switch to size 7 (4.5mm) hook, dc in 4th ch from hook (ch-3 and dc count as 1st 2dc-cl), 2dc-cl in next ch and in each ch to end. Turn. – 15 2dc-cl

Row 2: Ch 3, dc in same st, 2dc-cl in next st and in each st to end. Turn. – 15 2dc-cl

Rows 3-9: Repeat row 2. – 15 2dc-cl

Fasten off yarn and weave in ends.

Preemie Crochet Challenge 2024

As part of the Preemie Crochet Challenge 2024, the Cuddly Clusters Bonding Square is available as a free PDF download on 16th June 2024 until the end of the event (30th June 2024). Click the image below to direct download the pattern (No code needed, the file can be downloaded directly on the page). To return back to the main event page on the Sunflower Cottage Crochet Blog, click the second image.

Why not check out my other crochet patterns too. I’d love you to have a look around while you’re here.

Please share the link and pin it! And show me if you make it, I’d love to see it. Tag me on social media.

Happy crocheting, thanks so much, love Janferie xx

Cuddly Clusters Bonding square free crochet pattern.

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